I’m not sure that you’re aware of it, but you might be missing out on a great opportunity to get a few additional links to your site, and viewers/readers/visitors to your blog.
Squidoo is a great way to boost your site’s visibility. And, Squidoo (www.squidoo.com) is what I would consider to be an “authority site” that has a fair amount of good traffic and “eyeballs” (no pun intended, check out the Squidoo logo!).
If you haven’t done so yet, go on over and check out my squidoo lens (which now has been taken down) or check out the search engine marketing group. Once you’ve created your lense, then join the new search engine marketing group.
A few quick tips when making a lense: don’t forget to link to your favorite sites (hint, hint) and don’t forget to add your favorite RSS feeds to your lense, as well. Remember that you might have some favorite blogs that you follow and you might want to add some cool feeds (like my RSS feed, of course!). There’s a lot of other money-making opportunities, as well as cool merchants that you can add, as well.
Right now I’m particularly interested in getting a few more search engine marketers to join the new search engine marketing group, so feel free to join up. Of course, if you have any cool Squidoo tips and tricks then feel free to comment about them. Cheers!
Update: Links in this post have been removed, as they weren’t working at last check. November 16, 2014.