Illuni, the groundbreaking AI and mixed reality startup, is revolutionizing the virtual social landscape with the global beta launch of Moii. This avant-garde, avatar-based social connection platform is breaking barriers, providing an immersive 3D world for users to forge connections with like-minded individuals from over 30 countries.
Byung-Hwa Park, the visionary CEO of illuni, expressed his excitement, saying, “The global beta launch of Moii is a dream come true. In just a short time, we’ve already seen people from diverse corners of the world matching and enjoying conversations with like-minded individuals. Moii is more than an app; it’s a community fostering connections beyond social inhibitions and geographical borders.”
But Moii goes beyond the ordinary, enhancing user experience with engaging elements like mini-games and conversation prompts. These features not only make interactions enjoyable but also deepen connections among users. Since its beta release in November, Moii has proven ideal for various user profiles:
- Passionate Hobbyists: Moii provides a dedicated space for individuals with common hobbies or interests to connect and engage in regular conversations about their shared passions.
- Young Storytellers: Younger users looking to share their stories can do so in a low-pressure environment, fostering creativity and self-expression.
- Global Friendship Seekers: Moii opens doors for making new friends across cultures and borders, including language exchange partnerships.
The platform’s success is evident in the growing user base that has joined since its beta release, with individuals from around the world building lasting connections and friendships. As Moii paves the way for a new era of virtual socialization, illuni proves once again that technology can bring people together in ways never imagined before.
Download Moii to enjoy a free trial with unlimited access:
Google Play Store:
Apple Store: