Facebook allows really long posts that completely fill up a Facebook user’s feed, virtually completely taking over all posts in someone’s feed. Someone who I’m Facebook friends with shared a Facebook post by someone else, and that post completely took up the Facebook feed (timeline), making me literally scroll for almost a minute until I saw another post. Here’s an example of that post:
This “list” of characters appears to go on “forever”, just like infinite scroll on a web page.
I shared this post on my Facebook book feed without the intention of ticking off my Facebook friends (some were annoyed, and I’m sorry about that!). But, what’s interesting to me is the reactions I got: from angry to frustrated to laughing types of responses.
I’m actually rather annoyed, though, honestly, as I am flabbergasted that Facebook would allow such posts and functionality. I thought that Facebook cut off posts and made users click in order to see more of a post.
Well, apparently not.
This is one feature, the “list” feature, that Facebook needs to fix. And, if you want to make people unfriend you, then share this post: