Interwoven, a leader in content management solutions, is adding a comprehensive search solution for professional services firms to their product offerings. “Interwoven Universal Search – Professional Services Edition” is a new solution tailored to the unique demands of professional services firms. It’s an “intuitive search solution uniquely designed to meet the demands and expectations of professional services firms”, according to Interwoven.
Interwoven Universal Search – Professional Services Edition is a comprehensive search solution that addresses a lot of challenges that professional services firms face–like managing all the growing amount of data housed on many different systems that have different security levels. Interwoven Universal Search – Professional Services Edition attempts to take care of those needs by allowing employees to search for the data they’re looking for.
Interwoven Universal Search – Professional Services Edition has a lot of unique features:
— A web interface that allows you to securely search, access, extract, and manipulate all available content within your organization, including the wide array of document management, records management, email archive, and time and billing systems used by professional services firms today.
— Dynamic classification technology that simplifies results navigation by presenting them in a logical taxonomy, providing you with a more thorough and clearly organized set of targeted and relevant results.
— Connectors to the major systems of record used by professional services firms today, including CMS, Elite, Hummingbird DM, Interwoven WorkSite, KVS, Lotus Notes, MDY, Microsoft Exchange, Open Text LegalKey, and Zantaz.
— The ability to map the search solution to the security model for each system of record used by a firm.
Interwoven Universal Search – Professional Services Edition is powered by Vivisimo Velocity. Vivisimo is a leading provider of enterprise search software and expertise.
Interwoven Universal Search – Professional Services Edition will be available in September 2007 as a standalone product for firm-wide search capability.