On episode 44 of the Digital Marketing with Bill Hartzer podcast, I spoke with Beck Power from Power Creative Media. We talked about re-purposing content, as well as building authority on social media.
The full transcript from this episode is below:
Bill Hartzer (00:04):
Hi, this is Bill Hartzer. And this is the Thursday, October 1st, 2020 edition of the digital marketing podcast with Bill Hartzer. I have the distinct pleasure this afternoon of having Beck Power from Power Creative Media here this afternoon. I’m going to talk a little bit about building authority on social media and repurposing content weathering leveraging different different content mediums and so forth. And then a little bit about posting on social media. So, well, welcome back this afternoon and to the podcast. Thanks for joining me. Tell me a little bit about yourself and, and, and your background and how you got into the industry.
Beck Power (00:51):
Yeah. So I come from New Zealand, you’d probably tell from my accent. And I have been working in content or content marketing online for eight or nine years. Not quite as long as you might think honestly, but still feels like a while to me. And so content marketing, I’m so passionate about it because I believe that people have so much to say, but it’s often really hard to translate it into getting someone to think, Oh, that sounds really interesting. I need it. And so bridging that gap, it’s a bit of copywriting, it’s a bit of video, it’s a bit of, it’s all types of things and I just, I find it really fascinating.
Bill Hartzer (01:32):
Sure. so let’s talk about a little bit about social media. I mean, you know, we, we think about, you know, social media, as, you know, certainly we have a website and then, okay, well, social media is, you know, you have initially a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and so forth. And, we do, we really need to have all those, all those platforms and you can do all sorts of posts every day and, and so forth. Can we kind of focus, on one particular one where our customers are at.
Beck Power (02:10):
Well, I think there’s a benefit to having a presence on each platform, but it’s, it’s overwhelming, isn’t it to think about posting on all of them all the time? I really think you’ve got to find a love, a fishing metaphor. You’ve got to find the right fishing hole and it got to go, it’s got to be, you know, right where all your clients are. There’s one platform that will do that. You’ll find you find the right one and you don’t need to spend a lot of time on all platforms, but putting sort of 80, 90% of your effort into one platform and then spreading your time around the other ones as you have to maybe posting once a week or even every day, if you’ve got enough content to do that, I certainly have a ton of content that I post all over the place, but I really, most of my effort goes into Facebook. So I think benefit to both, but putting 90% of your effort into one platform is the way forward.
Bill Hartzer (03:04):
Sure. So how do we choose a platform? And start building authority on that particular social media site. I mean, are we looking for engagement or do we just want to do a lot of posts over and over and, and put a lot of content and kind of hope that something sticks and, and we start to build that authority.
Beck Power (03:29):
Yeah, that’s a great question. Well, I think building authority content, the first thing to realize is that most of us, if we’ve been online for more than a few months, we should have built up some content we should have. If you haven’t created some right, you’ve got to create some content that is for specifically your audience. If you have a few offers or one flagship offer or whatever, you’ve got some content hopefully talking about it. And so you can actually turn that content into more like a ton more content, you know blog posts from videos, audios from videos. Most people would have like a video show or something. Well, most people who do could take that and turn it into a podcast. And often they don’t do that. It’s crazy to me. You’ve got all this audio sitting there and you’re not just turning it into a podcast. You can pull quotes, you can pull little graphic, make little graphics, there’s all types of content that you can use. And I think that I’m showing your face every day on your main platform is the real key to having people know like, and trust you. Cause I have to see you often. And so posting these different types of authority content that you already have and just need to leverage is really key.
Bill Hartzer (04:36):
Yeah, definitely. And it’s not just posting blog posts, links to your website over and over again. I mean, it’s also social media influencers or people who are just influencers in whatever industry, I’m just actually engaging that with them and actually taught, you know just retreating their stuff and making comments and so forth. And I’ve been able to, you know, in my local market I gotten to know if you will, I’ve never met them in person, but in fact, actually it has, it has, it’s been interesting because some of the, the local media local journalists, they’ll do a story, you do a story, they’ll be on the television. They’ll be on the news. They will also tweet about about their upcoming story.
Bill Hartzer (05:33):
You know, the follow ups. And I actually, even though it’s not necessarily a story about my industry, I retweet and comment and so forth. And actually what happens is these local journalists kind of recognized my name and so forth. And after 10 or 15, 20 tweets over a couple of weeks, they look me up and say, Hey, who is this guy? And, and they’ve actually, you know, some of them turned to me and put me on the news in my local market because of the fact that I actually kind of got to know them on Twitter and so forth and, and, and, you know, engaged in conversations with them. So there’s, there’s ways to, you know, that’s just one, you know, that’s just my welcome market, but there’s actually ways of, you know, maybe it’s somebody else who’s in your industry is if you’re in, you know, in the fitness industry or something like that, you know, engaging with, you know, those social media influencers, you know, they’ll actually respond to our talk to talking to you and, you know, same thing with you know, any, any industry media, if it’s even a B2B site.
Bill Hartzer (06:46):
And they start to talk, have some kind of news article about the industry or, or something like that. Maybe I wouldn’t be something about your competitor, but you know, something in general about the industry. Sure. If you start to engage people, people are real people on social media, so we get them to, there’s a lot of accounts that are bots obviously. But there are accounts where people like you and I w you know, tweeting stuff and, you know, you do get responses and it’s, you know, it is that’s how you kind of, in my eyes get, you know, kind of some engagement going and a little bit more followers here and there,
Beck Power (07:32):
Well, you bring up a really good point actually, because I think you know, I always talk about types of content that you post on social media that you usually it’s stuff from, you know, that you already have that you’re repurposing or it’s new stuff that you’ve made up, but you know what you’re saying about, you’re talking about positioning yourself and your industry, because if you’re constantly, you know retweeting people and like sharing other people’s stuff who are in, you know, industry leaders, what other people are thinking is that you’re one of them because you’re positioning yourself regularly as the guy who knows what’s going on in the industry. And so that’s another way that you really can position yourself as an authority not using your own content.
Bill Hartzer (08:11):
Yes. Is that, to me, you do need to sprinkle your own content in there and, and unique content and not just be one of these accounts, that’s always just, the only thing you post is, is yeah. An article and a link to your own website. So there needs to be some kind of, you know, some of that and, and, you know, and, and so every so often, I’m sure, I mean, a lot of us, you know, are, yeah, I see a lot of accounts that, that where things are scheduled and you have scheduled posts going out throughout the month. And, and that’s fine, but you do need every so often to just pop in there on Twitter and, and, you know, just put some, you know, post selfie on, on Instagram or, you know, or something about you know, are some employees doing something at the restaurant or, you know, whatever the special of the day is add those, you know, that to make it a little bit more personal,
Beck Power (09:13):
I think there’s a, you’ve got to you’re right. You got to post a variety of different things. Some of them are personal. Some of them are values based. Some of them are authority building, you know, the sharing other people’s things. And some of them, I call bridging content. So that’s the type of content that makes people go from, Oh, this is great and fine, but this is what she does. It doesn’t really apply to me to, Holy crap, I need this. Like, this is what I need. This is exactly what I need. And then they take action. So I just call that type of content, bridging contest things like testimonials, case studies, stuff like that.
Bill Hartzer (09:44):
Sure. So, how do you make the most of each piece of content? Let’s say we do a research study or case study or something, or our, you know, a great article about something and we posted it on our website. And so how do we take that? And, you know, ideally when I, when I do some kind of research or a case study or something, or even an article, you know, my formula is that I’ll share, I’ll post it on the website, I’ll do a video. And then I have obviously a video that I can maybe embed on that page as well while with the content, but at the same time, maybe have even take some audio from it as well. But how do we make, you know, once we have that content, how do we really make the most of it? And amplify it.
Beck Power (10:39):
Yeah. So it’s like squeezing all the juice that you can out of one piece of content, right? Because you’ve gone to all this effort to create it. You know, you’ve got to get everything that you can out of it. And obviously once you’ve done that, you would use it as many times as possible, but first breaking it up into pieces. So one thing that we do at in my agency is we create a content for people. So we’ll take their webinars or their trainings, their interviews as a really popular one or their podcast episodes. And we’ll take all of it and we’ll chop it up into bits. Now we, you know, it’s going to sound like a lot of work and it is, but once you get a plan for it and you’ve got a good workflow, it works really well. So, you know, taking a video and turning, splitting off the audio.
Beck Power (11:19):
Now it’s a video and an audio, you can use two different things. We make audios by the way, into kind of the called audiograms, like a video version of an audio. So you can actually use them on YouTube and things like that too, or anywhere really. And then we go through and pull out quotes for each of those as well. So each of the videos, or maybe each video has a couple of quotes out of it and we’ll take those quotes and we’d design up little graphics and put them on canvas, little quotes that the person has said, and it makes them look like an authority because now we post those every single day for people so that their audience gets the benefit of seeing their face, hearing their voice, listening to their quotes, you know, so that really sets them apart is daily brand awareness content to keep yourself at the front of your client’s minds.
Bill Hartzer (12:06):
So posting. Do we need to actually post every single day? And is it, are we at the point where you know, where even, you know, do we need to have somebody dedicated to post, posting 10, 12 times a day? I mean, what’s the kind of the ideal mix at this point.
Beck Power (12:26):
Yeah. Listen, there’s a, there’s a range of thought on this, right? I know a lot of people who would argue that you don’t need to post every day. And I agree in some industries, you find, you only need two clients a month. That’s all you want to do. Just go do what, you know, if you have a D maybe YouTube is your particular thing and you do it once a week and it makes you thousands of dollars. Great. Gary Vaynerchuk says to post 60 times a day on some things, you know what I mean, how are you going to come up with 60 pieces of content? That’s insane, unless you’re a massive brand. I feel like that’s a really tough thing to do, but I think somewhere that some of that falls in the middle of those two things I post probably 20 times a day across four platforms.
Beck Power (13:04):
And so I’m going for it as much content as possible. That is definitely confounding to some people. And don’t do that. If it sounds like scary post once a day, or as much as you can consistently, there’s no point in posting for five days and then never again, performance. So I would say post as much as you can post consistently and the way that you can do consistently, if you only have a good hair day, once a while you don’t feel like doing it anything for two months at a time, maybe video is not your thing. Maybe you should just be doing an audio regularly. Or like I said, you don’t need to show up every day to do things that’s exhausting. I batched them. So I’ll do once a month. I just have a day or two where I just record a whole bunch of videos or I dump a whole bunch of the interviews that I’ve done.
Beck Power (13:51):
I’ll be re-purposing this interview. After we’re done with it, you know, taking it, downloading it, grabbing all the different things, using it over a month to promote what I’m up to. And I think that everyone can do that same thing and you don’t have to show up every single day. You just have to do well, I’ve got a team that runs all this stuff for me, and they can run anyone stuff as well, but we do we repurpose the content that I’ve created over a day or two, and then it’s, you know, whatever it is, maybe three hours of content or something like that. And that will get us maybe 70, 80, 90 pieces of content.
Bill Hartzer (14:26):
Sure. So you mentioned you do this for organizations and, probably personal brands as well? It’s definitely something that I know that a lot of people haven’t thought about is that okay, what’s going well, we’ll write a blog post, we’ll do a research study while we do research, or we create a case study and we post it and we’re done. And that’s really, that’s where, you know, the, the original creation of that content. That’s just, that’s just the beginning of it. Right. I mean, that’s, you know, that’s actually, okay, let’s just cur you know, correct. That’s just the part, the big part of it. But again, over potentially, depending on how, you know, evergreen content is you know, and, and it could be actually promoted and slice and dice and all sorts of different ways.
Bill Hartzer (15:29):
You can have all sorts of different titles, all sorts of different descriptions different quotes from the piece you know, different video clips different lengths and so forth. You know, to obviously take a, to, you know, to take a 20 minute video and chop it down to, you know 10 videos of two minutes, and then, you know, and, you know, one year and even more, you know, 20 additional 20 videos that are one minute long you know, there’s all sorts of different ways to do that. Right. And then, you know, obviously having some kind of content calendar of getting that amplified
Beck Power (16:12):
Exactly you need a very good content calendar that’s for sure to manage all of it. Yeah.
Bill Hartzer (16:19):
Well, a little bit about your business. A little bit about what services you provide and how can we can get in touch with you.
Beck Power (16:30):
Yeah, sure. So well, the easiest way is to go to to go to Beck power.me forward slash call and that’s where you can book a call with me. And I, I only talk about content. It’s all I do. So I’m happy to jump on a call with anybody for free and talk about, you know, a content strategy for them. Like if they’re stuck or, or thinking how many times should I be posting or where, or what all that type of stuff, happy to help. And if you join the Academy, which is where I talk about all this stuff and give away all my freebies are in one place, which is awesome. I got tired of sending them out to emails and then people were losing them and things. So it’s all in one place. It’s a, it’s an Academy that’s at power, creative media.com.
Beck Power (17:15):
That’s the name of my agency as well, power creative media. And yeah, so we can repurpose content of any kind. And we post it most of the time as well for people, because I think the real point here is to get off of the content wheel, where you’re waiting until you need to post something to think of something to post. And then you’re like, Oh God, what’s it going to be? And then you make a decision and post something that you’re not really happy with, or you don’t post anything and then beat yourself up. So we take care of all that stuff where, so you don’t need to be on the content wheel anymore.
Bill Hartzer (17:46):
Okay. Sounds great. This has been the digital marketing with Bill Hartzer podcast for Thursday, October 1st, 2020, again with Beck Power. Thank you again. Thanks. Thanks so much for joining me this afternoon on the podcast. And again the website is Power Creative Media dot com. Thanks again.
Speaker 3 (18:11):
Thanks bill.