Update January 26, 2024: The payment(s) for the Google Referrer Header Privacy litigation have been sent out via PayPal. I received what they estimated, which is $7.70:
Now that I’ve received the $7.70, I’m not sure what I’ll spend it on. Any ideas? Below are the original details from the June post:
If you used Google’s Search Engine from October 25, 2006 to September 30, 2013, you could get cash from a class action Settlement. A proposed Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit called In re Google Referrer Header Privacy Litigation, Case No. 5:10-cv-4809-EJD, pending in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.
The lawsuit alleges that Google shared search queries of Class Members with third-party companies and websites between October 25, 2006. and September 30, 2013. Google denies that it did anything wrong and the Court is yet to decide who was right. The defendants are settling this case to avoid costly and burdensome litigation, and to concentrate on quickly addressing complaints from consumers.
Are You Included in the Class?
You are included as a Settlement Class Member if you used Google Search and clicked on a Search link at any time on or between October 25, 2006 and September 30, 2013. The Settlement Class also includes anyone who could bring any of the claims in the Lawsuit on behalf of these users of Google Search, such as representatives, heirs, administrators, and assigns.
What does the Settlement provide?
Under the Settlement, Google will pay $23 million to make payments to settlement class members, payments to class representatives, attorneys’ fees, litigation costs, and settlement administration costs related to the Settlement. Google will also revise its “FAQs” and “Key Terms” webpages to include conspicuous, clear and concise explanations of how and when search queries may be disclosed to third parties via referrer headers.
What are your options?
1. File a Claim. You must submit a Claim Form to be eligible to receive a payment under the Settlement. The deadline to file a claim is July 31, 2023. Claim Forms must be submitted online at ReferrerHeaderSettlement.com or mailed to the Settlement Administrator at: In re Google Referrer Header Settlement, c/o Kroll Settlement Administration, P.O. Box 225391, New York, NY 10150-5391.
2. Do nothing. You will not receive any benefits from the Settlement. You will be legally bound by decisions of the Court and you give up your right to sue the Defendant relating to the claims resolved by this Settlement.
3. Exclude Yourself. If you do not want to be included in the Settlement, you must submit a written request to the Settlement Administrator, Settlement Class Counsel, and Defendants’ Counsel by July 31, 2023. You will keep your right to sue Defendants about the claims in this case, but you will not receive money. Detailed instructions on how to exclude yourself can be found at ReferrerHeaderSettlement.com.
4. Object. You have the right to object to the Settlement and still get benefits. If you want to object to or tell the Court what you think about the Settlement, you must submit your Objection in writing by July 31, 2023. Detailed instructions on how to object can be found at ReferrerHeaderSettlement.com.
The Court has scheduled a Final Approval Hearing for the Settlement of this case on October 12, 2023 at the San Jose Courthouse, Courtroom 4, 5th Floor, 280 South 1st St, San Jose, CA 95113 at 9:00 a.m. PST to consider: 1) whether to approve the Settlement; 2) any objections; 3) the requests for awards to the Settlement Class Representative of $5,000 each; and 4) the request for an award of costs as well as attorneys’ fees of up to 25% of the Settlement Fund. Motions for attorneys’ fees and costs are due June 26, 2023. You may attend the Final Approval Hearing and ask to be heard by the Court, but you do not have to attend. Attorneys’ fees and expense requests will be posted on RefererHeaderSettlement.com, after they are filed with the Court.
I tried going to the website RefererHeaderSettlement.com, originally mentioned in the press release, but it’s an error page. Turns out that Mark Monitor, who handles the domain, should have redirected the misspelling (mentioned in the press release) to the proper spelling: referrerheadersettlement.com. (Note the 2 Rs in referrer.)