Updated March 9, 2020
A recent discussion about the best Domain Name industry Twitter accounts got me thinking–there are a lot more domain name influencers on Twitter than be put into one Tweet. Even though there are a lot of characters available in a Tweet now, I just cannot possibly put them all into one or two Tweets. When I originally posted this list of domain name influencers that you should follow on Twitter, it was a list of 35. Then, after a while, some of them actually deleted their Twitter accounts. So, this is an updated list.
After the initial list, I’ve listed a bunch of Twitter accounts that you should be following related to the domain name industry.
I’ve listed these in no order of importance (in fact, I mixed them up a bit so that they’re not in any particular order). They all open up in a new window so they’re easy to follow manually.
More Domain Name Industry Accounts to Follow
Below I’ve listed a bunch of other Twitter accounts that you should be following, even if you’re not new to the domain name industry. These accounts are influential and you should be following and engaging with them, as well.
Registry Related
I haven’t listed myself on this list, but you can go ahead and follow me, as well. I post on domains, marketing, and SEO/search industry news. I also write frequently about the New TLDs:
Have I forgotten anyone or any Domain Industry Twitter accounts? Let me know by Tweeting at me and I’ll edit/add to the list.