Yesterday, Matt Cutts tweeted a link to a new scraper report tool that you can use to report websites that are outranking your website. If this other site has scraped or copied or stolen your content, then you can use the form to report the spam to Google. That new form could be useful for some, and I applaud Google for adding it. But that’s honestly not what I’m interested in here. In fact, what I find more interesting, is that fact that Matt Cutts tweeted a URL. And as a result, we can get all sorts of really cool data about his Tweet and the link that he Tweeted.
Here’s Matt’s Tweet:
Let’s dive into the analytics, though, of that Tweet. Or, rather, the analytics of that URL that he tweeted. Here’s a tip: if you add a plus symbol to the end of ANY URls, then you can get the analytics of the link. Really cool stuff.
If you want the live stats of this URL, then go here:
You can see the actual clicks on this link, like this:
And, you can see where the link was shared after Matt Cutts tweeted the link:
There’s also geographic data, as well. But what I’m really interested in knowing, though:
Who is Gary Illyes? The guy who originally shared the link to the tool?
It’s this guy here.