Google just updated or “refreshed” the knowledge graph data within the past 24 hours. I have knowledge graph data showing up for a search for my name, Bill Hartzer, and I’ve been constantly watching the data, as it was previously incorrect: and it appears that they just updated the information within the past few hours.
Here is what the previous knowledge graph data/sidebar in the Google search results looked like for my name:
And here it is today, with the correct information:
As you can see, previously Google had me listed as being from the UK. Well, I’m not from the UK, I was born in the United States. What’s interesting to note is that I went into Freebase and updated the information there, as it was incorrect. And now they are showing the correct information.
The last Google knowledge graph refresh was when they first started showing results for my name, Bill Hartzer, back in mid September. Now the information is refreshed.