There are many different ways to search the internet, regardless if you are looking for videos, pictures, or what have you. Having to go to different searching platforms can be rather time consuming.
Thanks to the LeapFish multimedia searching platform, internet users worldwide will be able to enjoy the convenience of searching Google, Yahoo!, and Bing all on the same webpage. LeapFish is a new multimedia search engine that captures the variety of the web in a single search platform. This multi-faceted searching machine promises to change the rules of the game in regards to REAL-TIME multimedia searching.
Leapfish is comprised of a simple design that features a search bar at the top of the page where users can choose between searching on Google, Yahoo! or MSN. From there, users choose whether or not they are looking for sites on the web, or more specific items such as images, news, videos, and blogs. There is even an answers links for those looking for questions on specific topics. This is highly useful to bloggers who may be looking to tailor their blog posts to answer questions commonly found on the web.
As an added bonus, anyone looking for some great deals while shopping online, will find the shopping search link very useful. This specially created link helps users find the latest offerings from and eBay. Visitors also have a choice between using the latest version of LeapFish, or going back to the Classic version. Switching between the two versions is as easy as clicking on a link located at the top of the page.
The Classic page tends to have a much more simplistic look and feel, while the latest version of LeapFish is feature rich, and has several different sections where you can look at the latest Twitter trends, as well as, check out the latest in “Today’s Tips”. You can also hover your cursor over an image, and a larger version of that image will pop up making it easier to see what is featured on a site. You can easily switch from different media types displayed, and can even install the LeapFish toolbar to make your searching even easier.
On October 28th, LeapFish released a private demo for a select few to check out the features of this social media searching platform. It definitely met with positive reviews, and although there are a few kinks here and there that need to be worked out, LeapFish looks to be gunning for a position in the world of search engine platforms.
Overall LeapFish is easy to use, and highly intuitive, and makes searching the top three searching platforms much easier than doing the same thing in three different windows or tabs. LeapFish is definitely going to change the way people look at browsing for social media.