, a web site that offers search for web sites, images, news, blogs, video, maps and directions, local search and shopping, launched their new “Election Poll Smart Answers” that gives you local polling information in just one click: and it’s a lot faster and easier than any other major search engine. Smart Answers are special search results placed at the top of the search results page that have quick facts and links to authoritative content from highly respected sources.
To use the new one-click poll information, go to and type in a question like “when do polls open?”
Then, all you need to do is click your state from the drop-down menu:
After clicking “Go”, instantly shows the local poll hours and provides quick links to district poll locations and other voting information right on the first search results page.
According to, this new Smart Answers feature is part of’s mission to provide us with the best answer, the first time, every time. However, it appears that there are a “lot more clicks” required in order to actually find your polling place and where you have to vote. After going through the process on the web site, I was then taken to the official State of Texas web site where I had to then perform an additional search at the State of Texas web site:
I hate to be cynical about all of the new “one click” Smart Answers feature, but all that the feature does is point you to your own state’s web site after you choose your state: that’s hardly “one click”. In fact, there are other helpful things that they could do that would make it easier, like actually recognizing your location and forwarding you directly to your state’s polling information.
What do you get when you use the Smart Answers feature when you look to find your polling place and time?