Rae Hoffman-Dolan, CEO of Sugarrae SEO Consulting, who specializes in internet marketing; search engine optimization, viral marketing, affiliate marketing, site auditing, link building strategies and is an affiliate marketing superhero, will be the featured speaker at the next DFWSEM (Dallas Search Engine Marketing Association) meeting on October 19, 2011 in Dallas. I co-founded the Dallas Search Engine Marketing Association.
If you own a website and want to learn about how to monetize your website, then this is going to be the event for you. But even if you are on the other end of the equation, even if you sell products and services online you should attend this event, as well.
Website owners, as well as bloggers, should attend. You’ll learn how to make your website or blog more profitable–by learning the tips and techniques of attracting advertisers and joining affiliate programs–and working the “affiliate marketing” system in order to make more money from your blog or website.
If you are a business owner who sells products online, you’ll be able to learn why you should start and affiliate program, and how to attract affiliates like Rae Hoffman-Dolan to help you sell your products. You’ll learn the perspective from Rae Hoffman-Dolan, who has “been there done that” when it comes to affiliate marketing.
The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency North Dallas:
Hyatt Regency North Dallas/Richardson
701 East Campbell Road
Richardson, TX 75082
Join us on October 19th for “From ZERO to SIX FIGURES with Affiliate Marketing”.