I have to admit that I really am not a coder or programmer. I’m more of a writer, blogger, search engine optimizer, and shameless self-promoter. As such, I’ve been a real fan of the TopCoder competition for years now. TopCoder has announced the winners of this year’s TopCoder Open.
What is TopCoder?
From the site: “The 2009 TopCoder Open (TCO) is a world-wide programming and graphic design tournament that is open to all TopCoder members 18 and older, who are in good standing, and meet all other eligibility criteria. There are nine different tracks of competition as part of the TCO: Algorithm, Architecture, Assembly, Component Design & Development, Marathon, Mod Dash, Specification, and Studio Design. Taking part in the TCO09 gives you the opportunity to showcase your programming and/or design skills up against some of the best in the world.”
And they give away some great prizes, I might add.
So, here are this year’s winners:
Algorithm Coding Champion $10,000 Prize: Bin Jin, TopCoder handle crazyb0y, of Shanghai, China. Jin, a student from Changzhou High School, also won this year’s 2009 TopCoder High School International tournament.
Algorithm Finalists crazyb0y, China * (winner) Im2Good, Norway Petr, Russian Federation syg96, Russian Federation SnapDragon, Canada UdH-WiNGeR, Russian Federation lucasr, Argentina marek_cygan, Poland
Marathon Competition Champion $10,000 Prize: Andrey Lopatin, TopCoder handle KOTEHOK, of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Marathon Finalists KOTEHOK, Russian Federation * (winner) maniek, Poland AlexanderL, Ukraine jdmetz, USA nhzp339, China prober, China Psyho, Poland roma, Ukraine wleite, Brazil zibada, Russian Federation
Mod Dash Champion $10,000 Prize: Ninghai Huang, TopCoder handle PE, of Beijing, China.
Mod Dash Finalists PE, China * (winner) ShindouHikaru, Philippines cucu, Argentina enefem21, Indonesia saarixx, Ukraine Margarita, Ukraine will.xie, China Yeung, China
TopCoder Studio Champion $15,000 Prize: Dale Napier, TopCoder handle djnapier, of Brisbane, Australia.
TopCoder Studio Finalists abedavera, Indonesia djackmania, Indonesia djnapier, Australia * (winner) Elizabethhee, China foxyhu, China oton, Indonesia mahestro, Venezuela oninkxronda, Philippines sweetpea, Indonesia Tricia_Tjia, Indonesia
Architecture Champion $10,000 Prize: GuanZhuo Jin, TopCoder handle Standlove, of Hangzhou City, China.
Architecture Finalists Standlove, China * (winner) argolite, Canada Ghostar, USA AleaActaEst, Canada the_best, Ukraine saevio, Romania
Assembly Champion $10,000 Prize: Pablo Wolfus, TopCoder handle pulky of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Assembly Finalists pulky, Argentina * (winner) oldbig, China PE, China pinoydream, Philippines retunsky, Russian Federation BeBetter, China
Design Champion $10,000 Prize: Olexiy Sadovnikov, TopCoder handle saarixx, of Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Design Finalists saarixx, Ukraine * (winner) argolite, Canada bramandia, Indonesia caru, Italy gevak, Russian Federation Indemar, Romania Mafy, Romania nicka81, Russian Federation Standlove, China Pops, USA
Development Champion $10,000 Prize: Yanbo Wu, TopCoder handle assistant, of Adelaide, Australia & China.
Development Finalists assistant, China * (winner) Hacker_QC, China hefeng, China iKnown, China morehappiness, China myxgyy, China romanoTC, Brazil velorien, Romania Orange_Cloud, Russian Federation EveningSun, China
Specification Champion: Piotr Paweska, TopCoder handle AleaActaEst, of Toronto, Canada.
Specification Finalists AleaActEst, Canada * (winner) MiG-29, Russian Federation