Want a free iPhone? Sign up to be a writer at Mahalo, Jason Calacanis’ new search engine. The first 100 part time guides who reach 100 search results get a free iPhone from Mahalo. You get paid $10 to $15 for each search result that you write.
Webmasterworld has launched a new review my site section. Here’s your chance to get reviewed by some of the best online marketers for free. You must be a Webmasterworld Supporter.
Sphinn has launched. Some are saying that it’s going to be the next Threadwatch. Was Sphinn the reason why Threadwatch was closed down? We may never know.
Someone should tell Michael Gray that he really doesn’t need to go 3g. Michael, you need to go get a free iPhone from Jason Calacanis.
At least someone is doing something right. We Build Pages is booked up for the rest of 2007: “Sorry, we are currently booked through 2007 for all of our SEO and link building services” is now being displayed on the WBP site. Someone go tell Jim that he’s still linking to Threadwatch. If you’re still linking there, shame on you–go remove your link, now, before you forget.
Lee has posted the TopRank Challenge Contest. Voting ends Friday July 20th at 5pm CST and the winner will be announced Monday morning, July 23rd. Winners will be awarded a bit of cash, some fame and a trip to an upcoming search marketing conference.
Does compete.com really live up to the hype Aaron’s giving it?
Dave says that search engine world is cloaking backlinks. The SEO Days site links to the pubcon site, but doesn’t link directly to search engine world…I have to admit that something strange appears to be going on.
Andy believes that 2007 is the year of the Domainer. Well, uh, yeah, if you aren’t into domains and you’re an online marketer then you really should start looking at domains.
Online Reputation Management is key nowadays…and you’d better make sure that you own your own name online. Todd has a great post about it.
Search Engine Journal recently talked about five ways to optimize for local search. If you haven’t started looking at local search then you need to do it.
Andy says that Facebook may be built on stolen code. Wow, that is one court case I’m going to be watching closely.
Jennifer Laycock recently talked about Corporate Blogging. “When it comes to corporate blogging, some companies have stumbled, some have soared and others are facing serious start-up challenges”, says Jennifer…she points out a few OOPS. Here’s another OOPS: the Kelsey Group needs to clean up their blog. Last time I checked, there were over 140+ comments on their last May 18th post. By the way, there’s no nofollow on those comment links.
If you haven’t read my recent post about protecting WordPress Plugins and you’re running WordPress, then I would go read it…I explain how to protect your WordPress plugins.
Aviva Directory has a great post about directories with the most backlinks. Very informative.
Scoreboard knows the score! Fark sends twice as much traffic as Netscape. That may be true, but from my experience, Netscape users click on ads more often. Which is a good thing.
Then, on the other hand, if you’re just into traffic then Andy can tell you where to get traffic to your site.