Before you look at the best way to use your Google site you must comprehend the method in which the web’s link graph works and the way that Google rates a particular site in regards to the value. The popular method of SEO techniques is to create a large number of links that take you to a specific page which in turn enhances visits and makes it more popular on Google’s index.
Photo courtesy Don Moyer on Flickr
PageRank, the renowned patent by Google, was made to determine how popular a particular page is. It considers where the link is and it’s appropriateness in relation to the target page. A link on an rarely used site would be worth a lot less than if it was on a more used site.
Google has made some great advancements in the last little while. They are now making rank calculations based on a domain level and on a page level also. Now Google is evaluating the number of domains that direct traffic to your domain, the amount of power the domains have and the relevance in relation to your content.
When you are creating a website and adding links to direct people to your site, you must consider the type of domains directing people there and the types of pages also. An example would be having a link from a deep page of authority is much more worthwhile than a link from some other homepage that is a lot less popular.
There are many methods to increase your rank, people choose to add keyword SEO articles, blogs or posting forums that people can use to communicate on, and of course backlinks. When you are looking at building or managing your site when utilizing a blog or posting forum it is important that you have key phrasing or wording that will increase your rank. How this works is people that are searching for your product or service will have a better chance on clicking your pages if your rank is higher. You build your rank based on data as well how often you are getting traffic.
When you are considering the command of the domain, you must also be contemplating where the external links that are posted on your page are directing people to. A usual error that many new SEO’s make is that when they build the links up to their home page, their deeper pages in the index tend to drop out. But, Google will correctly check to see where the links direct people to. You have to be careful because if a page has no links, Google will see that this page does not appeal to anyone and they will not add it to the index. The site with the best links in regards to popularity will shower higher in the rankings for Google.
You must always consider the trust, authority and popularity of the domain that you could possibly be using when you are practicing any SEO technique. In case you were wondering why an authority site ranks pages a lot faster, it is because they have a large amount of domain authority. They are well trusted by Google. When Google sees these sites they believe everything that comes from the domains. The best way to get a high rank on Google is to create a strong domain authority.