The keywords that you use in the heading tags for each of your web page are very important. You should be using H1, H2 and H3 tags on your site. If you aren’t currently doing so then it is suggested that you implement such a format. This will allow you to get more results from the keywords that you use in those tags. Ultimately, that will allow you to be more successful with your search engine optimization methods.
It is important to understand how to use heading tags as well a when to use them. Use the H1 tag around the name of your product or service. This should be the keyword that you plan to target with that particular web page. This is important to do because that is what tells the search engines that these particular words found on that page are the most important from all of them that are displayed on that page.
You can start out with the keyword or phrase the same font, size, and even bold as the rest of it. Then you can use a style sheet to change the various elements of the H1 tag. Even if you aren’t selling goods or services, your website can still benefit from the use of heading tags. Any page that has content on it should have its own heading. If you have a blog, then the post title should be considered the H1 tag.
When you have sub sections of an article, that is when you would use H2 and H3 tags. You also need to make sure you use appropriate header tags for the various types of pages found on the typical website. This can include the about us page – where you would use about us as the keywords of the H1 tag.
With the use of heading tags on your web pages, you offer some type of structure that is the foundation of it for the search engines. They rely on you telling them that the H1 tag is the most important part of that particular web page that is being indexed. It is important to use these heading tags on every single web page. It will certainly help you to get higher rankings in the search engines. As a great tip, your H1 tag should be the same as or very similar to what you have as your title tag.