Sage Lewis, founder of the search engine marketing firm, has officially announced Web Marketing Watch, a new daily video show online.
Web Marketing Watch “gives visitors search and online marketing tutorials in easy-to-digest 3-7 minute visual spots. The Web Marketing Watch show primarily analyzes the failures and successes of existing websites, but also shares information like how to implement RSS feeds, how to market a website on Flickr, and why Web 2.0 may be the right or wrong strategy for a company website,” according to Sage Rock’s press release today.
On the Web Marketing Watch, Sage Lewis welcomes people to the site:
I’m very excited to introduce to you the brand new Web Marketing Watch daily web marketing video show.
I’m going to bring to you the most up to date, useful web marketing information every day in a format that is going to be much easier to take in and understand.
I will be making each video in the morning of that particular day so expect to find the new video here by noon Eastern time Monday through Friday.
As I travel a fair amount, I am not always in the office. I might make the video from my phone, my built-in camera on my laptop or my mini DV recorder. But one way or another I will get you web marketing video news you can use.
Reading is well and good. But video is better.
Take a look at the videos that Sage Lewis is posting, as they’re pretty nifty and informational at the same time. Sage Lewis, also founder of the search marketing firm, has been an online marketing specialist for 10 years.