Kudzu.com, a local business search engine that helps you find local service pros in Atlanta, Arizona, Las Vegas, and San Diego, has added 100,000 user-generated reviews.
Kudzu’s reviews help local service pros stand out when you’re looking to hire a local service professional. Each service professional’s number of reviews and received ratings (on a scale of one to five stars) are displayed, as well as unedited reviews. A response tool lets the service pros thank you for your positive reviews—it also allows you them reply directly to you, especially if a negative review was left on the site.
This tool offers service professionals an opportunity to stress their service commitment, clarify misunderstandings and rectify any unsatisfactory customer experiences. Many service professionals attribute their success with Kudzu.com to the customer reviews they have received.
Launched June 1, 2005 in Atlanta, GA and Fall 2006 in Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ and San Diego, CA, Kudzu.com is a local business search engine enabling consumers to quickly and conveniently locate the best local service providers that are the right fit for their particular home and personal needs. By visiting Kudzu.com, consumers find a comprehensive and easy-to-use directory of local businesses, providing services ranging from health care to legal, home repair to remodeling projects and vets to childcare.
Kudzu.com features 135,000 businesses in the Atlanta metro, 80,000 in both Arizona and San Diego and 50,000 in Las Vegas and many of the businesses have enhanced information such as business description, services offered, hours of operation, photos, email and website address, videos, deals and discounts, and more. To support decision-making, Kudzu.com also provides valuable and concise guides on how to choose various service providers and shortcuts when consumers have several service providers to hire at once.