Hitwise has ranked USATODAY.com number 1 by visits among all other U.S. websites in the Hitwise News and Media – Print category for 2006. “online competitive intelligence service” that measures Internet usage among 10 million U.S. Internet users.
The Hitwise U.S. Top 10 Awards ranks the most successful U.S. websites in 160+ online industries. Hitwise reports on the anonymous online usage and search behavior of more than 10 million U.S. Internet users.
USA TODAY is the United States’ best-selling newspaper and will celebrate its twenty fifth anniversary on September 15, 2007. USA Today is published via satellite at 36 locations in the USA and at four sites abroad. With a total average daily circulation of 2.3 million, USA TODAY is available worldwide. USA TODAY is published by Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE:GCI) . The USA TODAY brand also includes: USATODAY.com, an award-winning news and information Web site that is updated 24 hours per day; USA TODAY Sports Weekly, a magazine for enthusiasts of professional football and baseball; and USA TODAY LIVE, the television arm of the USA TODAY brand that brings the spirit and quality of the newspaper to television.
Hitwise Awards 192.com Top 3 Business Directory
In another category, 192.com placed in the top 3 Hitwise UK Business Directories category. 192.com is the de facto standard search engine for finding people, business and places in the UK. Established in 1997 by Alastair Crawford, founder of UK-Info Disk and Passado.com, the multi-award winning 192.com has over five million registered users accessing unequalled breath and depth of data.
192.com searches over 600 million records including free directory enquiries (http://www.192.com/search/people.cfm), local business listings (http://www.192.com/search/business.cfm), interactive mapping, aerial photography and property reports. Premium records include current and historical electoral rolls; the birth, deaths and marriages register; 1861 census data; and company and director reports.
192.com Business Services, the corporate arm of 192.com, delivers online identity verification and tracing solutions to over one million desktops across retail, gaming, finance and the public sector.
EasyJet.com Wins Top award for Commercial Airlines and Travel-Transport
According to TravelConnect, EasyJet.com, Europe’s leading airline website, is the UK’s favorite travel website. easyJet won the Number One award for Commercial Airlines and Travel-Transport.
About Hitwise
Hitwise is the leading online competitive intelligence service. Only Hitwise provides its 1,200 global clients with daily insights on how their customers interact with a broad range of competitive websites, and how their competitors use different tactics to attract online customers.
Since 1997, Hitwise has pioneered a unique, network-based approach to Internet measurement. Through relationships with ISPs around the world, Hitwise’s patented methodology anonymously captures the online usage, search, and conversion behaviour of 25 million Internet users. This unprecedented volume of Internet usage data is seamlessly integrated into the easy to use, web-based service, designed to help marketers better plan, implement, and report on a range of online marketing programs.