Every month about this time comScore releases the search engine rankings data, and I try to remember report it here. These are not the actual search engine rankings that you see when you search at a search engine, which are constantly changing. Think of this more as the “market share” for the search engine industry.
In April 2013, Google’s web sites were still on top of the search market in the United States. In April 2013, Google had 66.5 percent market share, followed by Microsoft’s websites (Bing.com) with 17.3 percent market share–which is up 0.4 percentage points. Yahoo! then had 12.0 percent market share of the search engine industry, which is up 0.2 percentage points. The Ask Network accounted for 2.7 percent of searches, followed by AOL, Inc. with 1.4 percent.
In April 2013, 68.5 percent of searches carried organic search results from Google, while 26.9 percent of searches were powered by Bing.