You spend a lot of time online. If you are like me, you have tried a lot of various methods to make money online. You have even tried just about every internet marketing “fad” that seem to pop up over and over again. You spend time creating a website or creating some sort of ebook (which ends up being a downloadable PDF file), and you do something magical to get all sorts of visitors (thousands of visitors, of course) who want to download it, try out the unique “method” of making money online.
And, of course, you pay the $47 dollars, spend a few hours reading through everything, getting it set up properly (perhaps even creating websites after registering countless numbers of domain names) and then nothing. You don’t get the visitors that you were promised, and obviously since you don’t have thousands of visitors coming to your website you don’t have the sales that you had in mind.
So, what gives? Why aren’t you making the money that everyone and their brother’s uncle is saying that they’re making online? Well, it may not be because you’re not putting in the effort. You’ve spent hours online but you’re not making thousands online.
I have news for you: you’re not using your online social media influence as you should be. Even though you are Tweeting on Twitter, Plus One’ing on Google Plus, and sharing your money-making offers. But that’s not what people want to see. They want to see good content. They want to see something that is NOT a commercial offer.
If you’re going to start making real money on the internet, you have to come across as someone who is not selling something. Create great content, just like does. Sure, Copyblogger offers something that you can buy—but it’s an online tool or a WordPress theme or something that ultimately helps their visitors.
Or, you have to change the way you’re making money on the internet altogether. That’s what I’ll discuss in this book. Create content and offer something that people can use—like an online tool to do something. Or, don’t pitch at all. Stop sending out spammy sales Tweets. Stop creating websites that contain really long sales pages.
Make money on the internet by building up your social media influence. Build your own private social network by networking online with others. Talk to others online (real people) on Twitter, on Google Plus, on Facebook in an effort to build up your Klout score. The more influential you are online, the more companies will want to talk to you. And the more influential you are, the easier it is to monetize your social media influence.
Let me tell you exactly how to make money from your social media influence.
I’ve written an Amazon Kindle Book telling you all of the steps you need to take to make money or “monetize” your social media presence online. The more influential you are, the more money you can make.
This is different than anything that you have ever seen before. My method for making money with your social media influence is going change how you ever thought about making money online.
How to Make Money from Your Social Media Influence – Now Available on Amazon Kindle