Based on recent domain name registrations by Facebook, it looks to me like the social media network is up to something related to prepaid. Facebook has acquired several domain names related to prepaid. And typically, major brands such as Facebook will acquire the domain names that describe new service offerings. So potentially this could mean that Facebook is getting into the prepaid business. Just exactly what they are going to do with these domain names is still up in the air.
Domain Administrator
Facebook, Inc.
1601 Willow Road
Menlo Park CA 94025
+1.6505434800 Fax: +1.6505434800Domain Name:
Registrar Name:
Registrar Whois:
Registrar Homepage: http://www.markmonitor.comAdministrative Contact:
Domain Administrator
Facebook, Inc.
1601 Willow Road
Menlo Park CA 94025
+1.6505434800 Fax: +1.6505434800
Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
Domain Administrator
Facebook, Inc.
1601 Willow Road
Menlo Park CA 94025
+1.6505434800 Fax: +1.6505434800Created on…………..: 2013-10-31.
Expires on…………..: 2015-10-31.
Record last updated on..: 2013-10-31.Domain servers in listed order:
On October 31, 2013 Facebook registered, as well as Then, they also registered, as well. Back in 2010, Facebook launched prepaid cards with for credit with Target, so they have done this before. However, I don’t recall any of my Facebook friends actually purchasing anything on Facebook lately, or at least anyone I know hasn’t bought anything on Facebook. At least not that they will care to admit.
Could Facebook be planning something for US Markets related to Zero Data Charge Access in the Philippines or is this just a defensive registration? But, keep in mind, that (the Philippines domain TLD) has not been registered.