The Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center ADNDRC today published their findings on a UDRP Domain Name Dispute for the domain name, which was reportedly a stolen domain.
In the process, they had a total disregard for the complainant’s financial safety and security. In the findings documents, the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center scolded Godaddy but went on to publish the complainant’s credit card number.
The Complainant once took online payment service on July 2010 card No: 4392XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Considering user safety, Godaddy
should take more complicated info verification procedure when user wants to do any changes in the account. The Complainant
tried to reach the current holder, but failed by invalid phone number and no feedback via email.
This is a totally unacceptable. the ADNDRC talks about safety and mentions Godaddy, and they have the guts to say that Godaddy should be more cautious. But then the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center ADNDRC themselves publishes the complainant’s credit card number in their official documents about the findings!
I realize that the dispute over this is apparently in regards to a stolen domain name, but how could the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center publish someone’s credit card number in their official findings?
Hat tip goes out Brad Mugford at