It is very important that you know what your online reputation is. Many consumers are quite diligent in doing such an investigation before they buy something online. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is or the price… if they can’t find good information from other consumers about your business they won’t buy it. There is just too much of a risk that it will be a road to disaster.
Therefore, one of the goals in the world of e-commerce has to be creating and securing a very good reputation. To find out what is going on with it right now, go to Google because it is the #1 search engine that people use today. Type in your company name and see what comes up.
Go through the first few pages and see what is listed. However, I encourage you to go at least five pages deep to get a great deal of information. This type of digging helps you to see what people have to say about you. Chances are you can also find out if there are some solid links to your website or not being identified in that search engine for potential visitors.
During this type of search, you are very likely going to come across some profiles. Some of them may be social media profiles due to the explosive use of it online today. However, they won’t have links in them, just your company name most of the time. To help you with improving reputation and ranking, get in touch with the various site owners and see if you can get a link put in there as link text to your business name.
Back to the concern of your reputation, type in your business name and the reviews behind it. There you will see what consumers have to say about you. If there are negative comments, then try to get in touch with those consumers and address their issues. Learn from what is being said too. For example, if you have complaints about customer service not getting back to them vamp up that area of your business to make it stronger.
Many of the sites with reviews will also allow you to make comments. That is your opportunity to make amends. Take responsibility, thank the individual for sharing information, and then state how you plan to correct the problem. This type of improvement on your part will hold plenty of clout with those considering buying something from you. It is a great way to improve your reputation.