Gmail went down today for a short period of time. I recall it being less than 30 minutes, like 20 minutes tops. But it was in the middle of the work day. So, what happened when Gmail went down? Apparently we all turned to Twitter to complain.
First, we had to check our routers to see if the router was having a problem:
Then there was some wise-guy who thought he’d be funny by posting a photo:
And some chick says that she’s not affected. “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah nah!! My email didn’t go down!”
And then we all sorts of Google down, gmail down jokes:
And then, of course, we have the wise-guy journalist who is so quick that he can put up a lengthy article and report that gmail is officially down.
And then it turns into national news that Gmail is down. And they have to tweet it twice so people really understand that it is down.
And then it really becomes national news, when the Wall Street Journal reports it:
And, of course, you have some company taking advantage of the situation:
And then Gmail is back up. 20 minutes later.
But you don’t have to go back to work.