As you might be aware, I’m a Google Local Guide. Whenever I’m out and about I tend to post reviews and take photos of just about every single establishment, local business, and tourist attraction that I go to. Google Local Guides get points for every review, photo, and edit of everything that’s listed on Google Maps. There’s a strict point system, and different levels, based on how many points you have as a Local Guide. Currently, uploading a video gets you the most points.
To get points, you need to be logged into Google and use Google Maps. It’s easiest if you use the Google Maps app on Android or iOS to get those points. There are actually some good benefits to being a Local Guide, as they do give you Perks. But that’s not why I’m participating–the benefit of being able to have a little bit more “klout” when it comes to making changes, edits, and additions to local businesses is enough of a benefit for me.
What has frustrated me over the past year or so is the fact that you can only upload videos if you’re using an Android device. Luckily, a relative has an Android phone that they’re not using, and I carry two phones with me–that Android and my iPhone, in order to get the Google Local Guide points.
Starting today, though, Google has finally made it possible for Google Local Guides to upload videos using the Google Maps app on your iPhone. This is welcome news for Google Local Guides that use iPhones. I’m not sure why the functionality was there previously, but I can confirm that it’s now working on the Google Maps app on my iPhone 8 Plus. Unfortunately, when you do take a video and upload it using Google Maps, it can take a while, especially when you’re not using a really fast internet connection. So, I do recommend making the videos short. Google prefers that the video be shorter than 30 seconds in length.