Photo courtesy akolmetz on
I’ve talked a lot about Search Engine Optimization in the past, and even a little bit about Social Media Optimization, optimizing your social media presence.
My list of popular social media websites include sites like YouTube and MetaCafe. When submitting your video to these online video sites, did you know that you can optimize those videos so that they are bound to get more views? We all want our videos to get more views, right? Well, let’s talk a bit about video optimization and optimizing your videos for the online video sites.
Marketing Jive has a bunch of great tips that are still relevant today, including:
– Make sure that your video clips are relevant and informative
– Give your video a Catchy Title
– Use Video as a Portal to other Content on Your Site
– Optimize your video for Important Key Phrases
– Provide Transcripts of your Videos
– Offer the Option to Embed Your Video
You might also want to check out the article from Stone Temple that include where to upload your videos (more about this below) and more tips about optimizing your video and even how to publicize your video.
Want to be a featured video on the YouTube home page? Well, go on over to David Dalka’s article and read up on getting to the front page of YouTube. He also offers tips about ranking well on the metrics, such as Most Viewed, Most Discussed, Top Favorites on YouTube.
Recently, I have noticed that is a great place to add your video, if you put your keywords in the title of your video there’s a good chance that it will rank well in Google. Whenever uploading a video, try to pay attention to tagging the video properly with the appropriate anchor text, title the video with anchor text and make sure you add your website’s URL to your profile page. I also like to send it out to all my friends, as well, so they know I’ve just added it.
Here is a list of online video sites where you can publicize your video. (paid service) (paid service) (non-commercial videos only) (paid service)
There’s also an interesting blog post at 10e20 about videos on YouTube.
Here are two video worth watching about video optimization:
Video Optimization Tips for the Web
If you would like to learn more about video optimization, and if you’re in the Dallas Texas area (or within reasonable driving distance, like in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, or even Oklahoma City), you might want to reserve the evening of July 15, 2009 on your calendar. The Dallas Fort Worth Search Engine Marketing Association (, an organization I helped found a few years ago, is hosting a meeting in the Dallas, Texas area (Richardson, Texas to be exact) about Video Optimization and how to optimize your videos so that they can get a lot of views on the internet.
On July 15 at 6:30pm at the Renaissance Hotel In Richardson Texas, the DFW Search Marketing Association will be hosting its monthly meeting on “Online Video Optimization – Strategies For Leveraging Online Video”.