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This post above was supposed to be written upside down. Really. Here’s the post, rightside up. Apparently WordPress can’t handle this upside down text. Oh well.
What If Your Blog Post Was Upside Down?
For some crazy reason, I thought that it would be interesting to write a blog post upside down. Seriously. Sure, it’s kind of weird, but I have a few reasons why I want to test out writing a blog post upside down.
Well, the blog post itself isn’t upside down, but the text in this post is written upside down, using a website called fliptext dot org.
Take a look at the screen shot below, you can actually write normally or type normally and then it will automatically take that text and put it upside down, on the fly.
One of the reasons I want to test the upside down text, is that there are several websites out there that allow you to post upside down, like Facebook, and Twitter, I tested this earlier and the posts are actually upside down.
I suppose that if you’re using a smart phone to see the post, or the social media post, you’re able to see the text as it should be, but just upside down.
But the real reason for this upside down post? I want to see which websites allow you to post upside down, and which sites will handle the text and flip it rightside up. What will be interesting to see is how Google (organic search) deals with this, as I bet that the Google search listing (once this gets indexed) will be upside down. Let’s see if I can get this post indexed upside down.
And see if it’s searchable in Google only by the upside down text title, or if Google can deal with it properly by flipping the text rightside up and then allowing you to find it that way.